Support Book - Reprovision Controller


How to reprovision a controller. We would need to do this if it was in a looping state or a generally unresponsive state.

Support Process

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Assets
  3. Search for the device with the serial number.
  4. Make sure it is able to be reprovioned by the "complete" status in provisioning state column.
  5. On the far left of the field, click the three-vertical-dots symbol and click Reprovision. ( This does not give any indication that anything has happened, but it has! clicking this will change the state of the controller to 0, thus making it check for software when powering up again).
  6. This will tell the software to download again, so the controller will need power-cycling after this button is pressed.
  7. Wait for the amber LED to come on on the device, or wait until the events start coming through on the listener in the toolkit.


  • Controllers Looping